Sunday, September 21, 2014

Week 63

Hey Everyone! I just wanted to send you some pictures from earlier today! We were at the USS Midway which is named after the World War 2 Batlle of Midway against Japan. We had a lot of fun today! I hate writing mass emails because they aren't personal but it took up a lot of time so that is why my emails will be short today! Sorry! :) 


Elder Hays

Rock Beats Scissors

Sisters Hughes and Nielsen

​I met Batman!!!! You gotta love San Diego! 

Well I only had 30 minutes to email and I have about 15 mins left for email you. We went to the USS Midway and with traffic and everything it ate up a lot of time! 

I am really soooo happy to see our new home! You gotta send me some more pics and the stats on the house! :)) I am soo excited for yall! You have a lot of work to do lol. 

But real quick i think I only have time to share this quick but special miracle! So I was on exchanges with Elder Dietrich in my area. We had gotten a call from the sisters a couple of days ago saying that a random lady called and wanted to meet with the missionaries, but that she lived in our area. So we went by, and it was crazy!!! We get there and immediately you could feel how prepared she had been and how she wanted to learn. Never before have I met someone with so many desires to repent, without even hearing our message. She just kept pouring her heart out and kept saying she wanted to change this this and this about her life. She started off saying how she kept going to all these different churches and never felt "good" about them and feel that they didn't have authority to perform ordinances like baptism. Then after we talked about how God the Father and Jesus Christ are 2 separate beings, about Prophets, Christ Church, Priesthood, and Joseph Smith. She said to us wow that makes so much sense and how the feeling she had was indescribable and she had never felt at peace like she did at that moment. So I told her that God wanted her to act on those feelings and for her to follow Jesus Christ so that she can feel free from her past sins. So I then lovingly, and boldly invited her to be baptized and she accepted immediately and kept telling us how bad she wants it! :)) So that was super cool!

I have 3 minutes left so i am going to make this next one quick. Yesterday us and the English Zone Leaders went out to lunch while we were working on the stake packets for our meeting Thursday night that we have every month. We said a quick prayer before that we would be able to see a miracle during lunch since we were out of our areas for most of the day doing these packets. Then these 2 guys at the table approach us and ask us to teach them and they were super solid and committed to read the Book of Mormon! It was sooooooooo sick!!! These guys were soo prepared! :) What do you know about miracles? ;) 

Tell Ashlyn " HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" 
Love you all,

Elder Hays

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