Sunday, September 21, 2014

Week 66

Hey Momma!!! I am so excited for the move into our new house!  :)) It looks sick! So as you were talking about all the miracles that happen I couldn't help but think that this scripture is great in regards to that. At times it seems that the miracle is going to come, but then BOOM! It is right there when we need it the most. 

Ether 12: 6 "And now, I, Moroni, would speak somewhat concerning these things; I would show unto the world that faith is things which are hoped for and not seen; wherefore, dispute not because ye see not, for ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith."

Well I am glad things are moving forward with the move! How is Ashlyn and Brock doing!? How did her birthday go? Did she like the card that I made for her? :)
How has the gym been going? You look great! :) I am excited for you and the progress you are making! I AM SO PROUD OF YOU! 

Well this week we got a lot of stuff done! Nothing to crazy we got shut down a lot by people lol but the Lord recompensed us and we saw some really cool things!! But something that was super cool is the miracle that I had at the MCRD this past Sunday! 

So the week before my recruit named M*** Tatakamotonga (yes that is a real last name lol) was having an extremely rough time to the point that he was willing to do literally everything to get out of there. 

dang it I am out of time!!!! 

Well when I saw him last week he was completely changed! And he said he will get baptized! :))


Week 65

Hey everyone! Here are some pics from the hike that we did last week! I hope you all are doing well!

Love Elder Hays

Elder Karlinsey (My Companion) and I

This is my "Spuddy" Sister Hughes! I am sad to see her go back to Idaho next Tuesday!

Elder Velez was scared! hahaha

Week 64

It was definitely a cool Pday last week. It reminded me of when we went to the aircraft carrier in JAX. It was definitely a cool miracle that we had last week! Miracles are definitely what keep me going, but Elder Ballard told us that they shouldn't be called miracles, because when we work for the Lord it is a part of the job description lol. Yeah we have lots of meetings. As Zone Leaders we help run the missionary work for the stake so we are constantly in contact with the stake president and his councilors. Then we have other meetings. It is definitely crazy, but I love it. 
The new mission president is AWESOME!! I love him and his family sooo much! We had interviews with him last Thursday and since we are there setting things up, and taking care of everybody from 8a-4pm we decided to take me and my companion out to get California Burritos hahaha. He absolutely loves taco shops haha. He is such a cool, down to earth guy. He really knows how to get stuff done, he is bold, yet humble. I have a lot of respect for him and I am super excited to be able to work alongside him in the service of the LOrd. His wife is just as equally awesome she served a spanish speaking mission in CA also, and she can throw down using the scriptures and inspire you. They are such a powerhouse family. I am excited to go over and play ping pong with their kids soon hahaha. My companion is alright. I have been serving around him since thanksgiving, but he has only been my comp for 3 months. He actually finishes his mission in 2 weeks. One of the hard things that I have had to learn on my mission is how to work with a companion. It is hard because I am so used to just getting it done by myself and being accountable for myself. So I am grateful to be learning these treasures now so that when it is time for me to be married I have already learned how to live with someone, but even then, I won't be with my wife literally 24/7 lol. Transfers are on 08/05 so I am anxious to see who my new companion will be. I am pretty sure that I will not be leaving Bonita just yet. I have been here since April and it is flying! I love it here. It definitely has some things that drive me bonkers, but on the other side there is a lot of things that are special. 

Going to the Midway was fun! But honestly just throwing the football around is a huge stress relief! So that is why I am totally down for sports :) Today we are going hiking though!! :) I told dad about my comp in my email today so ask him ;)
Of course I have some cool stories for yall!!!


We went and saw Mirna in the morning and she is still super solid and preparing to be baptized on 08/23! She is having a really hard time because she works overtime at 2 jobs to pay for everything her kids dad lies with them and he doesn't do squat, but she is still pushing forward. Her kids also have Autism and she has to take care of them on top of everything else, she is definitely a trooper. 
Later on in the afternoon we had a meeting with the missionaries at the MCRD and the senior missionaries brought catered food from this expensive restaurant and it was bomb!!! YUMMY!
Then we went and saw the "Chicken guy" and during the lesson all his chickens kept flying into his huge Mexican afro lol. I need to get a pic with him! 

Interviews with President Schmitt. We were there at the stake center from 8a-4p and then we had our meeting with him and the stake presidency and we had to teach the stake ward mission leaders training all from 6:30p-9p and between that we had a meeting/dinner with bishop and the other missionaries lol So thursday was shot! But Pres. bought my companion and I burritos and we ate with him lol

 We had so Jehovah's witnesses knock on our door and try and bash with us and that was pretty funny. You should try it once lol, but they never get anywhere lol We had a dinner appointment with the Bugarin family and we had deep dish chicago style pizza with super good Kale salad. But with more important things in mind there was a cool miracle with this family. So during my personal study I had the random impression that we needed to teach them about temples and see where they are at. Keep in mind they are a part member family and they had been less active for most of their and the kids life until last year. So we talked about temples and the husband (non member) got super excited and told us he wanted to go to the temple as a family the next day! It was cool because he is always super nice, but doesn't seem interested and it was cool for him to have a brief change of heart. So on saturday it was the first time ever that the whole family was there at the temple. It was super special. 


MY RECRUIT (Samuel Hamilton from AZ) GOT BAPTIZED!!!!! :) 


I am doing good, I am having more energy thanks to the surgery and running every other morning. Still get tired sometimes, but that is normal. I have gained like 5-7lbs from all the mexican food I am getting. My diet has been shot lol but I am not complaining ;) Now of course it is super stressful being a Zone Leader, but i have learned how to manage my stress. Sometimes I just got to take a breather, but overall i am good! :D But mom I have more than a 1/4 left lol I dont go home until April 14th 2015 lol hahaha

but I gotta go! LOVE YOU ALL!

Elder Hays

Week 63

Hey Everyone! I just wanted to send you some pictures from earlier today! We were at the USS Midway which is named after the World War 2 Batlle of Midway against Japan. We had a lot of fun today! I hate writing mass emails because they aren't personal but it took up a lot of time so that is why my emails will be short today! Sorry! :) 


Elder Hays

Rock Beats Scissors

Sisters Hughes and Nielsen

​I met Batman!!!! You gotta love San Diego! 

Well I only had 30 minutes to email and I have about 15 mins left for email you. We went to the USS Midway and with traffic and everything it ate up a lot of time! 

I am really soooo happy to see our new home! You gotta send me some more pics and the stats on the house! :)) I am soo excited for yall! You have a lot of work to do lol. 

But real quick i think I only have time to share this quick but special miracle! So I was on exchanges with Elder Dietrich in my area. We had gotten a call from the sisters a couple of days ago saying that a random lady called and wanted to meet with the missionaries, but that she lived in our area. So we went by, and it was crazy!!! We get there and immediately you could feel how prepared she had been and how she wanted to learn. Never before have I met someone with so many desires to repent, without even hearing our message. She just kept pouring her heart out and kept saying she wanted to change this this and this about her life. She started off saying how she kept going to all these different churches and never felt "good" about them and feel that they didn't have authority to perform ordinances like baptism. Then after we talked about how God the Father and Jesus Christ are 2 separate beings, about Prophets, Christ Church, Priesthood, and Joseph Smith. She said to us wow that makes so much sense and how the feeling she had was indescribable and she had never felt at peace like she did at that moment. So I told her that God wanted her to act on those feelings and for her to follow Jesus Christ so that she can feel free from her past sins. So I then lovingly, and boldly invited her to be baptized and she accepted immediately and kept telling us how bad she wants it! :)) So that was super cool!

I have 3 minutes left so i am going to make this next one quick. Yesterday us and the English Zone Leaders went out to lunch while we were working on the stake packets for our meeting Thursday night that we have every month. We said a quick prayer before that we would be able to see a miracle during lunch since we were out of our areas for most of the day doing these packets. Then these 2 guys at the table approach us and ask us to teach them and they were super solid and committed to read the Book of Mormon! It was sooooooooo sick!!! These guys were soo prepared! :) What do you know about miracles? ;) 

Tell Ashlyn " HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" 
Love you all,

Elder Hays

Week 62

Well Mom I am so sorry for not sending you a card for your birthday, this week has been terrible. Just with all of the moving and cleaning. Missionaries had been living in that apartment for 4 years and they had so much crap in there left over the years that it took us 3 days of non stop cleaning and moving crap. In between it there were so many important and long meetings we didn't even get much time in our area. Then on top of that we all got sick! :p so this week was stressful, but the week looks promising. We just need to get healthy. So all in all, I absolutely had no time to do anything this week. :p I am sorry! 

So what did you all do for the 4th of July and for your birthday? We had a member invite us over and we had some awesome burgers and fruit. It was good! Then we just went and crashed! Luckily the members have been hooking us up with some medicine. We will just keep pushing forward! 

What was really cool is that we were able to have 4 investigators at church this Sunday which is a lot for this mission. Even though we only had time to see those people the Lord blessed us by having them coming to church!
Now here is a super cool miracle that happened! (I am including a string of Emails all dealing with a woman that I taught in Hillcrest named Alicia) 

Alicia's baptism last Saturday in Logan Heights
>>>   [Elder Hulet]  "Couldn't have happened without you! Thanks Elder Hays!

>>>    [Me] "Thank you so much Elders. She is such a special person. Her story is definitely a miracle. All starting with weeks of not finding anybody to teach and weeks of tracting with no success. Then one day we say this Mexican lady outside, we contacted her and lo and behold we found that apartment complex full of Mexicans one of the very few in that part of the area. Then we knocked on Alicia's door, but it was her mom, that answered. Her mom Gloria had been watching the kids while Alicia was in SLC for work. We started teaching the mom and she was reading from the Book of Mormon and committed to being baptized, then she moved back to Mexico a couple days later. We then came back and started teaching Alicia. Ever since then the gospel has been a part of her life. Thank you so much for all your hard work with nurturing the seed of faith that was in her heart and supporting her on her way to make a sacred covenant with our Heavenly Father. Thank you. Since day one I have pictured her in white in the baptismal font and one day in the temple. On Saturday half of that dream came true. Thank you." 

>>> [Elder Hulet]   "The day you (Elder Larsen my previous companion) and i were teaching the word of wisdom and she figured out she had cancer and was super humble changed everything. She was just ready to accept what was coming her way. The Wednesday after you left we went with Pres. Lopez to give her a blessing and teach. Pres. Lopez went so hard and the spirit was so strong she immediately felt accepted and was so open to a baptismal date (after she attended three times, she said "then we will talk" haha) she cracks me up so hard i love her. She casually set a baptismal date for the 28th of June and progressed toward it. She came to church for the first time with her two ninas it was a special day. Had to go march the next Sunday and has come all of the Sundays she has committed to which have been the past 3. She accepted Thomas s. Monson as a prophet after we watch the lords errand and the medinas helped sooooo much! They testified of the restoration and of Joseph smith and hno. medina gave her a blessing the day before her surgery. She has completely recuperated and i am convinced that god sent that to her for a reason. She has gone up and down with her education and a lot of trials have come because of it. The girls went down to mexico for the summer and she has been super lonely. But lesson after lesson and visit after visit she was getting more and more prepared. the wow was taught in Sunday school and she accepted it and we went and followed up with the browns and she took it pretty hard that she had to stop drinking coffee (apparently we didn't make it clear that you have to stop to be baptized :) she was upset but she spent the following week working really hard and has not had coffee and says she feels so much better.) She loves her girls and is trying so hard to overcome this part of her life to bring stability to them. The Lord has prepared her for this time and i know she is going to make it! The baptism was beautiful, hermana medina and elder mcchesney spoke and it was a great spirit in the room. We did it at Trojan and basically the whole ward council was there! It was a great turn out and she felt a lot of support. The morning of she actually got in a fight with a friend that was trying to take her to a picnic the day of her baptism. CRAZY.  She said she felt so peaceful and was mingling after with the ward members. Her confirmation was awesome and she brought a friend with her to church. She is doing wonderful and sent me a text saying how she was running and she came to the top of a hill and the sun was shining and she told God she would turn her will to his and she was tired of fighting against the world. She wants to be so much more positive and expressed her gratitude for all that has happened. It was a sweet moment and there is so much light in her future!"

So that really made my day I mightv'e had a couple of tears seeing this picture. It is crazy to think off all the hard work and the prepared people that were in my last area. I am so proud to have been the Lord's Instrument for those people. I don't say this to look down on the elders after me, but they took the elders out and dissolved the area into other areas of other missionaries. So there aren't really any missionaries there now, because they felt that there was no more work... It is just a crazy thought 

Well I love you all and hope you can find a home! you all are in my prayers! :)

Love Elder Hays

Week 61

This week was good and bad lol. I mean it we had some awesome miracles, but also some very stressful situations. 
Wednesday we had transfer meeting. Although Elder Karlinsey and I are staying the same we as Zone Leaders we are asked to go since there are changes in our zone. Nothing to crazy happened, we just have 2 brand new sister missionaries in my district. They are pretty cool. 
Afterwards was pretty good, we had AMAZING FOOD! We had Tacos de Carnitas (shredded pork) and they were absolutely bomb!!! I couldn't get enough of them! Then she made us Choco-Flan! OH MY GOODNESS it was amazing! it basically is chocolate cake with Flan (I dont know how to describe it) on top. She is a baker and it definitely showed! :) then we taught the guy with all of the chickens after. Then we help one of our investigators move everything out of her storage (Kinds stressful lol). Then we got randomly fed again by another family that night!
Then Thursday was an extremely nuts day (good and bad)!! We had an appointment with an investigator in the morning and she wasn't there. So went around trying to find some people home, no one was home. Then we both had the feeling that there had to be someone that needed us at this specific time, because we usually don't visit people in the morning. Then i had the prompting to visit Carolina a referral that previously wasn't interested. I thought it was weird, but we decided to go for it. Ended up being that she gave us 15 mins to talk to her, but at the end she prayed and started crying. She told us how this morning she was praying and didn't know what path she should go down in her life...then we showed up... yeah THE CHURCH IS TRUE!! hahaha
We then visited another golden investigator named Crystal. She she is awesome she is trying to reactivate her future in-laws and she wants to get sealed after she is married and baptized. so we were teaching her then we asked her if she would get married on July 18th then baptized the next day and she said yes!!! She also came to church this past Sunday and asked the Bishop to help her get ready to be married! She did this all on her own to! 
Then we went and visited the Garcia Family, the son just got baptized last Saturday :). Elder Karlinsey and I were on splits and i was teaching their son Edgar and his Girlfriend Yutzue, they are the 16 year old couple with the baby that I gave a blessing to while I was in Hillcrest, remember? Well she completely opened up and talked about how she wants to get baptized and married so that they can be the best example for their baby. She also committed on getting baptized July 19th!!!!! 
Now here is the extremely stressful part... During that lesson with the Garcia family... The bishopric counselor and EQ counselor came by and spoke with the parents during our lesson. Long story short, the 2 of them convinced the family to change everything about the baptism all because it wasn't announced in ward council or in sacrament meeting. The reason why is because they didn't read the form that had all the baptismal info in the ward council meeting. They also were interrupting our lesson by pulling us off to the side, all while Yutzue is crying and bearing her soul to me, and accepting a baptismal invitation. UGH!!! anyways it all got fixed! And we talked to the 2 guys and we are all cool now. but that was freaking stressful out the WAZOO!!

  My New Mission President!!!
Yeah my mission president is awesome!! Well I love you all soo much!!!!


Elder Hays

Week 60

Thank you all so much for your birthday wishes! It was such a great birthday and I was able to feel the love! Well I had 2 parties! The night of my birthday the Gutierrez family threw me a party! Then my recent converts threw me a surprise birthday party last night! It was so great! Here are some pictures that I wanted to share with you all!

The Gutierrez Family

I had a great birthday! Church and the MCRD were normal. But what was funny is what the other missionaries got me as gifts. The trio of sisters gave me a mini barbie doll because they said it looked like Ashlyn haha and Sister Oliver (The blond sister missionary from Calexico, that you were asking me about on mother's day) got a gift! Last year her and her companion got me a little box of jiffy corn muffins so this year she put another one in my mail box at the mission office!
She is really funny. 

So for the day of my birthday we went over to the Gutierrez family's house and they made me "caldo de res" which is like a beef stew, but mexican style, and SUPER GOOD! so that was yummy and she also made us quesidillas and it was good. They sang me happy birthday and then we had cake and it was super good! :)

So then last night. What an awesome experience. So.. We were at a mini ward activity at the bishop's house for a sister missionary that finished he mission today and we were having  a good 'ol time and then Yazmin calls us and tells me that her neighbor needs a blessing before she went to the doctor later that night, so we told her we would be there in 20 minutes. We then said our goodbyes to everyone and had to take the elders home. It took forever to do all of that so I was tripping and trying to rush everyone to get to the blessing in time, since this lady has never asked for a blessing before. In the car i kept thinking to myself 'we are so late, elder Karlinsey should've hurried and now because of him we are 20 minutes late and the opportunity will be lost and we are losing Yazmin and the neighbors trust.' I was pretty frustrated lol then we get to the parking lot and a kid opens the gate for us and I start running to their door and elder karlinsey is just taking his sweet time and then I see the curtains closed and the lights of, door closed, and I think to myself ' crap she is probably lying on the floor about to die, all because we are sooo late'.. then they open the door and SURPRISE!!! It was a birthday party! FOR ME!! I totally wasn't expecting it, because on Saturday Yazmin and them said they would be in LA until Thursday, and when they called they said they were home early, but any way i just was not expecting it! and my companion was in on it the whole time!!!  That punk! All the neighborhood kids were there lol and my recent converts (Her and her 2 kids) It was soo nice. They even got a cake designed and had balloons up. It was soo cool! Oh the reason why the candles are the number 85 is because they didn't have any other candles in the house. i had such a great memory and i will never forget it!. 

Well i love you all!!!!!

Elder Hays