Sunday, September 21, 2014

Week 58

This was definitely "HELL WEEK" :D hahahaahahaahaha we had meetings up the yin yang! But it was a week full of miracles and we should have 2 baptisms this Saturday! Her name is Yazmin Alvarez (Formerly Contreras, she just got married 2 weeks ago so she could be baptized!) She also wants you to add her on FB so she can send you pictures ("Yaz Alvarez").  

I am glad you got the picture! I am always happy lol! even though I get stressed out lol I am always happy! :D Tell all the kids that I miss them! They are the coolest kids in the world!

Things in my area have been good. This past week despite all the meetings and planning we got to teach a good amount. We had a lesson with Chris (The ex-Boyfriend of Yazmin's daughter). They are all on good terms.Since Chris lives with all of them Kathy (the daughter) (who also got baptized in April with her brother Chuy) had to break up with him so they can be keeping the law of Chasity so she could get baptized. Anyway we went over and it was just him and we were able to ask him about his testimony of the church. It went awesome and the spirit was definitely there, we read with him about Captain Moroni he loved it and says that he wants to be someone in life and he knows that it comes through baptism! So Chris and Yazmin should be getting baptized this Saturday, if not Chris will be baptized next week the 21st. 

Then Friday (06/06)  we had our Zone Conference (conference not meeting, they are different, yes it is confusing haha) It was the last on that the Clayton's will be having! It was a pretty good 6 hour training lol but nonetheless it is sad to see them leave. It ws weird though because President gave sister Clayton permission to hug all the Elders and for him to hug the Sisters so that was weird to see hahaha!

Then right after the conference we went out to contact a referral that we had received and it ended up being a pretty sick miracle! We get there and she was already waiting at the door. She told us how her less active mother in law took her by the temple after a food fair that they had and then Crystal gave her info to the missionaries there and that is how we knew to go see her. So she starts to tell us how her future in laws were sealed in the temple but are less active, and how she wants to reactivate them! Which is super cool because Crystal of course is not a member. Even cooler though is that Crystal told us right off the bat that she wants an Eternal Family! Elder Karlinsey and I looked at eachother and I said, well we are the right people for the job. So she wants to get baptized! We have another appointment with tonight so we will follow up and prepare her for baptism somewhere around July 19th.

Then Saturday (06/07) was the father's day BBQ, the food was delicious! we had carne Asada AGAIN! That is all Mexicans eat is Carne asada tacos hahaha with rice and beans but it is so good! Well as you SHOULD REMEMBER ;) I met the Garcia family (My recent converts, just in case you didn't remember ;) )  in Calexico were found at my first father's day party in the mission. So I was expecting a miracle of course haha. Well I got just that, so there is a lot of back story so i am going to try and keep it simple to understand. 

So last January Elder Larsen and I got a call to give a baby a blessing that was in the hospital in our area. So we went. It was for a young couple of 16 years old and and their newborn was experiencing heart and lung problems. So I gave the baby a priesthood blessing, then we left to let them and the rest of the family rest. 

A couple months afterwards I bump into a lady at the Trolley station and she says that I look super familiar and that she knows me from somewhere. I didnt recognize her at the time. She said that she was a member of the Bonita 3rd ward. I told her that I have never served there, but she kinda looked familiar. We just could figure out how. 

So then this past April once I arrived in Bonita 3rd ward I saw her in sacrament meeting and we laughed how we met again. Still we didn't know how we knew each other. I also saw her son and his girlfriend with their little baby, and I didn't think much of it. 

Then we were at the party and we see this family we sit down with them and they said to me *(in spanish of course lol) "Elder Hays, we all finally remember how we know you, you gave the baby a blessing when he was in the hospital!" then BOOM I remembered! They continued, "we realized this in a funny way. we noticed that everytime the baby sees you, he stares at you, and every time he sees you or hears you speak he starts to have this huge smile. Then after a few weeks of this we put it all together." I was floored! Then the mom said, "Elder Hays we have a son who is 9 that is not baptized, who are his elders?" They are in our area! and the funny part of the miracle.... they are ANOTHER GARCIA FAMILY!! (Not related to the ones in Calexico though). So we will be having a baptism for their son Yael at the end of this month!  Isn't that crazy! Oh yeah they told me that the baby was released a couple of days after I had given the blessing and he is happy and healthy now.

This work is true!

Love Elder Hays

This is a picture of my zone after Zone Conference

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